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WiFi Control Car

The Bluetooth-controlled robot project focuses on developing a robot that can be controlled through a mobile application using the Blynk platform. This integration allows for remote control via a WiFi connection, enabling users to send commands to the robot and monitor its status in real-time. The project leverages components like the ESP32, motor drivers, DC motors, and an LCD for status display. This project aims to enhance understanding of WiFi-based communication, motor control, and mobile app interfacing with microcontrollers.


Item Details

This Bluetooth-controlled robot project successfully demonstrates how to integrate WiFi communication with robotics using the ESP32 and the Blynk platform. The project provides practical experience in controlling a robot via a mobile application, enhancing understanding of WiFi-based communication, motor control, and interfacing microcontrollers with external devices. This hands-on project serves as a foundation for more advanced robotic and IoT applications.